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The Hub is the starting point for inspiration, creativity and innovation.
When it comes to innovation,
‘there is no box’.
At The Hub
different minds
The Hub | Model Ellipse
Flexibility is key.
The Hub an iconic place for your entrepreneurial proccesses, the amazing way
Your imagination is your only limitation.
The Hub challenges you to think beyond borders.
The comprehensive mind is always dialectical.
The Hub challenges people with different personalities, views and backgrounds to inter-act.
Your imagination is your only limitation.
The Hub challenges you to think beyond borders.
Technical specifications.
The Hub customized to your personal needs.
From the initial already innovative design the actual table top can be made from any material. Preferably shape as well as material choice will reflect the company's business and activities. THE HUB will be designed in close collaboration with the customer making it a one of a kind and adapted to the specific needs and wishes of you, the inspired customer.